D’Apice Maria farm

“Vedo un albero d’ulivo e penso ai nonni, al sudore per lavorare quei campi quando non c’era la meccanizzazione, è a loro che dedico questa mia passione ed impegno: mantenere integra la natura delle cose come ce le hanno lasciate loro ed apprezzare i frutti di tanto lavoro.”

Family histories, from one generation to another, olive groves between tradition and renewal

Our family history has old roots. It all started when the company engaged in olive grove and vineyard cultivation in the countryside of Torremaggiore (in the city quarter of Spinosanto) to sell olives and grapes. Thanks to her passion and initiative, a decade ago, Maria decided to enhance the fruits of 2000 centuries-old olive trees and has dedicated herself to producing extra virgin olive oil of the “PERANZANA” cultivar. A constant effort that in the last years has brought to embarking on the ORGANIC CONVERSION path, without any chemical pesticides, with an unspoiled territory, and a healthier and more genuine end product.

Mission and company values

Our company wants to cherish a family and artisan identity over time, far from industrial mentalities and productions. At our premises, clients can visit our olive groves, witness olive oil production in the olive oil mill, see first-hand a product’s transformation, from harvesting on the field to the packaging. There is our work, our history, and constant effort to guarantee high-quality products, behind an oil bottle or a pasta package.
Transparency comes first. It is an obligation to those who want to know us better and a crucial value to be reliable. Everyone is sceptical of food they do not know. Many people want to go beyond the label. That is why, on our website, you can find all “SPINOSANTO” products’ histories, certifications, and analyses.



Contattaci qui per informazioni sui nostri prodotti e ordini sullo shop o inviaci una mail a info@spinosanto.it
